Contact Us
Let's Connect! Use the contact form below to ask questions, comment or place orders for Quercus products. You can also connect with local representatives via the list below:
Local Representation
Quercus Concepts Inc.
Attila Oross
tel: (707) 775-7065
fax: (707) 260-7703
email: Quercusconcepts@gmail.com
Classic Oak Products
Simon Joy
tel: +61 (0) 2 9479 4700
fax: +61 (0) 2 9986 2299
cell: +61 (0) 488 577 718
email: simon@classicoakproducts.com
​Cellarius Ltd.
Ignác Ruppert
tel: +36 (73) 514-024 / +36 (73) 510-201
fax: +36 (73) 510-202
cell: +36 (30) 298-2270
email: ignac.ruppert@cellarius.hu
Quercus Concepts Inc.
Attila Oross
tel: (707) 775-7065
fax: (707) 260-7703
email: Quercusconcepts@gmail.com
New Zealand
Classic Oak Products
Susan Macks
tel: +64 (0) 4 472 6050
cell: +64 (0) 21 500 607
email: susan@classicoakproducts.com
South Africa
Wine Machinery
Gemma Grobbelaar
tel: +27 21 887 4731
fax: +27 21 886 5340
cell: +27 79 521 8557
email: gemma@wmg.co.za